Branding & Logo Design
Branding & Logo Design

Gloo Digital - Logo & Branding Design

In partnership with

Phase 1

The Brief, Research & Concept

Richard of Gloo Digital Recruitment enlisted Pixel Jam to craft a sleek, contemporary logo for his budding enterprise. Our challenge: to unearth the distinguishing factors that set Gloo apart in the competitive recruitment consultancy landscape and channel them into a robust, enduring brand identity.

Our initial inspiration led us to create a logo employing customised, handcrafted typography. This choice bestowed the logo with a polished, bespoke aesthetic. The idea centered around subtly connecting letters in close proximity, beautifully reinforcing the message of "Gloo" (akin to glue) and "talent that sticks," as per the tagline that we came up with.

Gloo Digital - Logo & Branding Design

Why did we design this shirt?

Richard of Gloo Digital Recruitment enlisted Pixel Jam to craft a sleek, contemporary logo for his budding enterprise. Our challenge: to unearth the distinguishing factors that set Gloo apart in the competitive recruitment consultancy landscape and channel them into a robust, enduring brand identity.

Our initial inspiration led us to create a logo employing customised, handcrafted typography. This choice bestowed the logo with a polished, bespoke aesthetic. The idea centered around subtly connecting letters in close proximity, beautifully reinforcing the message of "Gloo" (akin to glue) and "talent that sticks," as per the tagline that we came up with.

Gloo Digital - Logo & Branding Design

Phase 2

Strategy & Production

Our initial step involved diving into sketching software, and our preferred tool is Procreate. This platform allowed us to inject an element of playfulness into the typography selection. Our exploratory sketching phase yielded a multitude of logo concepts, but one in particular stood out for its legibility and overall integrity.

We didn't stop there; we decided to take things a step further. We incorporated adhesive strands to create a subtle sense of viscosity and movement within the logo design. With the foundational idea in place, we expanded upon it, considering how the logo would be integrated, positioned, and displayed across various mediums, from marketing materials to corporate stationery and promotional products.

Phase 3

Outcome & Delivery

The logo we crafted garnered an exceptionally positive reception, exceeding our client's initial expectations by a considerable margin. Since its introduction, the logo has been seamlessly integrated into various platforms, including social media channels, the website, and promotional materials.

Employing a more handcrafted approach throughout the production phase was truly gratifying, and witnessing the logo seamlessly come to life in the real world filled us with a profound sense of pride and joy.

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