Phase 1

The Brief, Research & Concept

The guys at Puffin First Aid came to us looking for a new logo to help elevate their first-aid educational business to the next level.

Our first task was to understand what made Puffin tick and what made them, well, Puffin. It was established early on that Puffin First-Aid where incredibly passionate about their industry, having been paramedics for many years so it was vital for us to capture that in their branding. This would help them connect with people and educate them about the story they had to tell.

Puffin First Aid

Why did we design this shirt?

The guys at Puffin First Aid came to us looking for a new logo to help elevate their first-aid educational business to the next level.

Our first task was to understand what made Puffin tick and what made them, well, Puffin. It was established early on that Puffin First-Aid where incredibly passionate about their industry, having been paramedics for many years so it was vital for us to capture that in their branding. This would help them connect with people and educate them about the story they had to tell.

Puffin First Aid

Phase 2

Strategy & Production

What we decided to was sketch out some ideas and focussed on the colours that are instantly recognisable as being "safe" colours. The initial colour palette was focussed on that on an ambulance and the uniform of paramedics.

We then wanted to include the figure/identity of a puffin with its bright and stark contrasting colours.

Phase 3

Outcome & Delivery

What we created was a very approachable and user friendly brand that is immediately identifiable and strong. The use of the logo in a circle allowed it to be soft-edged and inviting.

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